Take On Today

A cartoon dollar bill with an intimidating stance and threatening facial expression

Money (changing the way you view it)

Some people say money is the root of all evil, implying that money is the sole cause of all the troubles in the world and that people who have a lot of it are corrupt because of their wealth. However, that statement completely misses the point of the original quote it's taken from (1 Timothy 6:10). The truth is that it is the love of money that leads people to all kinds of evil.

Money is not your friend. It doesn't care about you, your dog, or your pinky toe that you just stubbed on the chair that your Money bought you.

Money is not flattered by people who chase after it relentlessly and it isn't loyal by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, it will and often does find a way to leave you in a blink of an eye.

Money is a tool that when used correctly can help you achieve just some of your goals in life. Like a car, it doesn’t drive itself (although thanks to Elon Musk I may have to change this analogy in the future). You can choose to drive it home or off a cliff.

Money should not bully you; it shouldn't be waking you up in the middle of the night or preventing you from sleeping. Money is not your master.

But you can master what money you do have, and make it work for you.

If you don't use it wisely it will negatively impact you and your family. If you chase it just to be rich, you'll never have enough.

Money can be lost and found, given and taken, multiplied and divided, stolen or devalued due to inflation. It is fickle and knows how to hurt those that fall in love with it.

Spending time fearing, chasing, or glorifying money not only distracts people from the important things in life but leads them to all kinds of miserable destinations. Ignoring it can be just as disastrous. That's why it is important to take control of the money you have available, just like you would any other tool that can help improve your situation.

Changing the way you think about money can have an incredible impact on your personal finances, stress levels, and overall quality of life. Don’t delay, Take On Today.

You may be thinking:

How can I be better with my money?

The only things you have influence over when it comes to money is how you earn it, and how you put it to work. How you put it to work can be a combination of saving, giving, spending, and investing. You should create a budget to understand exactly how much money you have left after all your expenses are paid. Once you have that number you'll be able to have an idea of when you will be able to pay off any debt, know how quickly you can save for financial goals, identify what you can cut back on in spending, understand how large your emergency fund should be, and determine if you need to make more money to support your family and lifestyle. All of the above will be covered in future posts.